Digital Addiction: Is It Time To Log Off?
The digital revolution, kindled by the advent of the internet and fostered by the appearance of social media and smartphones, has redefined the habits of both individuals and society. The astonishing speed of this revolution, which has impacted nearly all business fields, has given individuals the ability to access an incredible amount of information at any time from any place. This has revolutionized the way individuals live their lives. Aside from the positive impacts of the digital revolution, it appears that this phenomenon is taking a toll on physiological and psychological well-being. This presentation examines these psychological and physiological traits that are being linked, by emerging studies, to the newly established habits brought to society by the digital world. While mainly focusing on the characterization of these traits on individuals, it explores a few systemic problems and ethical implications tightly connected to this subject.
Speaker: Sophia Zandel, Nursing ‘21
Sophia was born in Russia and immigrated to Israel at the age of 8. With the move to Israel Sophia’s parents had to start from the bottom of the ladder, since their degrees were not accepted in Israel. Her family valued education but did not succeed in getting access to a better life. After finishing high school, Sophia joined the military for two years. She served in an Air Force defense unit where she was trained to monitor radar information along the northern border. After the military she was considering education but was frightened by the difficulty of the entrance exams and the program requirements. After volunteering in a non-profit organization providing relief for victims of human trafficking, she learned that her passion is to treat the medical needs of under-privileged people, and she decided to pursue a degree in nursing. After earning her degree from Seattle University, Sophia would like to use her nursing degree to serve the medical needs of disadvantaged people, expanding her knowledge of nursing and focusing especially on gynecology and women's health. In the future she would like to join a relief organization that would allow her to put her skills and heart at the service of others as a nurse, in both local and international contexts.