Alfie Scholars Cohort 7 (2022)
About Cohort 7
The ten 2022 Alfie Scholars cohort members are between the ages of 20 and 40. Six are women. Four scholars were born outside the United States, specifically in Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, and Nepal. One is an international student. Nine are the first in their families to attend college. Five of the scholars speak at least one other language, in addition to English. They speak the following eight different languages among them: Amharic, Gurage, Hindi, Kikuyu, Nepali, Somali, Swahili, and Tigrinya.
Nine of the scholars are transferring from six Washington State community colleges: Edmonds, Highline, North Seattle, Seattle Central, Shoreline, and South Seattle Colleges. One is transferring from Los Angeles Pierce College.
These new scholars bring a wide variety of experiences, perspectives, and career goals. Seven are working to complete degrees in Nursing, one in Design with a minor in Studio Arts, one in Diagnostic Ultrasound, and one in Mechanical Engineering.